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Out Of The Frying Pan...

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It’s hard to fly when you can’t even runOnce I had the world, but now I’ve got no one
Gaspard really, really didn't like this realm. He was trying to adapt as best he could. He'd even found a position with the local rogues guild, which was an expanded version of the Thieves Guild he was familiar with back home. It was weird to see the assassins and others all in one place and [mostly] getting along. There'd always been tension between the Thieves and Assassins Guilds back home, and he'd gotten hell several times for being a member of both.

He didn't like work, and in fact would generally turn contracts down unless it was someone who seriously deserved to be not-living anymore, but occasionally he had been strapped for cash and he'd had to go back to his roots as an assassin. Many of the others there hadn't understood how he could have turned 'spineless'. Most of them were cold blooded killers who'd have stabbed their own mama in the back though. He'd never been like that.

The thief hated killing, and every time he'd coated his hands with somebody else's blood [figuratively or literally], it'd killed a little of him too. When he felt stretched so thin that he could barely function he'd decided to retire. But an assassin never truly retired as long as there were those who remembered and tried to get you for new jobs.

Here though - here he could start over, and only a select few knew of his history. He'd made it very clear to the head of the guild that he was not interested in being listed as one of their killers for hire, and he'd only do specific jobs. It hadn't taken him long to outline those sorts of jobs, and the guy had seemed understanding. He'd not once asked for Gaspard to go on a job when he couldn't find someone else, and that'd helped him to relax a lot.

But right now he was bored. He wanted a challenge of a burglery or a heist or something and nobody was looking for work of the sort. Marius had finally gotten fed up and told him to get the hell out of the guild HQ and go pester someone else. That's when he'd hatched the plan to go poke around the castle. It wasn't really a castle like some of the ones back home - it was too small for that, but it was still pretty impressive.

He'd been wandering around, acting like he belonged for the better part of two hours and no one had even stopped once to question why he was there. It was rather amusing. He'd scouted most of the areas, aside from the treasury, which he couldn't get to due to the damnable magick. He was still unsettled by the stuff - it wasn't something they really had back home, and the fact that there were people who could look at you, whisper some code-word and set you ablaze [or worse] scared the shit out of him.

Not enough to keep him out of the keep though.

He'd just gone through the King's rooms, and had pocketed a few things. A compass that was badly water damaged was one of the things he'd taken. He vaguely remembered the commotion the older man who was friends with the king had made when it'd suddenly popped through the portal, and he'd all but fought others to get it and take it to the keep. It didn't look like much to him, but with the way people had treated it, he suspected he could get a good deal through a fence [or another third party who'd 'get it back' for the King at a hefty price]. There'd also been a bag of inks and scrolls, and he'd seen a few bits of what he thought were jewelry.

He'd lifted a pretty big ruby that was on display in the main throne room, though that's what had him running like hell now. It had apparently had some sort of magickal booby trap attached to it, because the moment he'd picked it up an earsplitting screech had pierced the air through the entire castle. He'd also found himself caught in some sort of gravity thing that made movement very difficult. He'd finally tossed a rope with a loop around one of the half pillars that was too large to pull over and had hauled himself out of the field.

There were angry shouts behind him now though, and he ducked out one of the wide open windows to sprint across the rooftop. There were other rooftops nearby, and if he got enough speed he knew he could clear the distance easily. Booking it even faster, he jumped, hit the roof he'd aimed for, rolled back to his feet, and came face to face with someone glaring at him.

\"Er... Hi. Funny running into someone on the roof like this. What brings you up here?\" He gave them his most charming smile, and began edging toward the next roof, which wasn't even a jump to get to. There was an attic window open there, and if he could just get inside he could 'disappear' for a while.

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  • 2 weeks later...


Her stomach weighed in on her as Amelya left her meeting with their new guildmaster. He was much nicer than the last one, and a touch of guilt gnawed at her alongside the dread. This... this wasn't good. Not at all. She walked down the halls of the guild, weaving and letting her feet take her wherever they wanted. She mumbled a greeting to someone she passed, slipping past them to the street beyond. The sun was bright and the day clear, but there was a metaphorical cloud over her head.


Amy sighed, shaking her head. Business was going well, but she worried about what would happen if her actual motivations in the guild were found out. Especially with the new leader... She shook her head to clear it. Fretting wouldn't get her anywhere. She just had to keep doing what she'd been doing. She had to keep her head down and just keep being a fence for the other members of the guild.


Her thoughts stalled as a fellow member caught her attention and she stopped, looking over towards them. Who was it? Oh. Gaspard. He was a newer member, from her understanding, but he was a good guy. His red hair was charming as well, and she quirked a lip at the thought. Where was he going though? Curiosity grabbed her and pulled her along, and she followed at a respectable distance from the man. No use making him suspect anyone was following him, after all. The Outsiders tended to pique her curiosity, as well as the fact they were a threat to her 'family'. Well, so was she...


She sighed quietly, shaking her head again. If she was discovered, she'd deal with it then. Right now, she needed to see what Gaspard was up to. She stopped short as he strode into the Keep and an eyebrow lifted. OK then... The thief wasn't stupid enough to follow into the building, and instead, she slipped down an alley and scrambled up the side once she was sure no one was watching. It wasn't exactly close, but it did offer a good view. And so she waited.


There was plenty to look at as she waited to see what would happen, so it wasn't necessarily boring. The people never looked up, though she cautiously did keep from being overly obvious on the rooftop. Her ears pricked up though, after a time, and she looked back to the Keep. A faint shriek, and then shouts. Amy moved closer to the edge, her eyes on the keep. What was going on? A figure bolted from a large window and she crouched down, curious. Gaspard came charging over the rooftops, and with a mighty leap, the now familiar figure landed on the roof in front of her and she squinted against the sunlight in her periphery. That charming smile and a playful comment later, she rolled her eyes.


"Was following you. What the hell were you doing in the Keep?!" They didn't have time to stand around, though. Not with the guards on their tails. She quickly followed after him to the attic window he was after - she knew that one from previous run ins with the guards. "You better have something good for me out of it at least!"

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  • 1 month later...


It’s hard to fly when you can’t even runOnce I had the world, but now I’ve got no one
The woman he'd run into after leaping across the rooftops was another member of the guild at least, so he'd not have to worry about taking care of a witness [either through intimidation or ... less savory means]. Ducking through the window, he slammed it shut after they'd both gotten through, and looked around. There were several doors to other small rooms it looked like, and a trapdoor with an extending ladder to go downstairs to the main portion of the building.

He chose to go into one of the rooms, and after taking a look around what was clearly an old storage room that hadn't seen any visitors in some time [or had visitors who were careful about leaving tracks], he settled down, also careful to not leave evidence behind.

Gaspard had noticed the eyeroll to his 'greeting' but hadn't had time to address that or what she'd said after til he was sure they were safe. Now that he had a moment to breathe, he paused to listen, and heard the commotion running past them. Whistles blowing and shouting went down the street a ways and then faded.

\"You bet. I got a good haul in there. Marius threw me out of the guild hall earlier because he was tired of me bitching about not having a job. So I decided to find something to do. Trick to going into a place like that is acting like you belong. People don't look at you twice if you act like you're supposed to be there. It's when you get nervous and fidgity that people take notice.\"

He perched on the edge of something that was dust free due to a spell - no risk of leaving an ass print there, at least - and rummaged around in the bag he had had slung over his shoulder. \"Jewelry, ink, looks like a bunch of expensive writing supplies. Some scrolls. A big ass gem - that's what set the goddamn alarm off. Oh, and a compass that I suspect will earn a pretty penny when returned for a 'reward'.\"

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A storage attic was where the pair ended up, it looked like, and Amy followed Gaspard into one of the rooms, closing the door behind them to hide them from any curious eyes. Even if it locked, they had a way out, as Amy always had lockpicks on her person, even if she wasn't on duty so to speak. Even with the door shut, though, she could hear the commotion outside as guards and others ran by in pursuit of the man in front of her. Adrenaline pulsed through her body, waiting for the all clear, and once the sound died down, she let out a breath she hadn't been aware she'd been holding. A chair covered with a sheet became her seat, and she rested her chin on two fingers as Gaspard finally addressed her demanding question.


The trick to go into a place like you belonged, huh? Despite her better judgement, she couldn't help the grin that spread over her face. She certainly made herself belong in the Thieves' Guild, that was for certain. She knew that trick, but she was still amazed that it had worked so well for the man in front of her, especially in the Keep of all places. The smile faded some as curiosity over what he got replaced it. The backpack had seen better days, but it was well made at the very least. Old, worn, good quality leather. That would get a pretty penny alone. And then the inks, scrolls, and some jewelry... Her mind raced with calculations as she pushed herself up from her seat to get a better look. A bundle of small items on thread and leather cords caught her attention and she picked them up carefully, examining each little thing. Seemed like a bunch of charms. Some were freaky, and some more mundane, like the little needle that gleamed with an enchantment. Cute.


And then her eyes lit on the bigger items that would be worth a small fortune, mischief lighting up her eyes. A compass and the gem. The gem would need to find its way back to the Keep. It was too hot for her to keep on hand too long. The compass... She put the charms down and picked up the compass, looking it over with a critical eye. Water damage marred the surface a little bit, and she flipped it open, her eyes widening at the definitely damaged picture tucked inside. "Yeah. This is gonna get a nice price off of it. I remember a big fuss being made over a compass that came through a while back. Didn't the King's advisor scramble for it?"

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  • 7 months later...


It’s hard to fly when you can’t even runOnce I had the world, but now I’ve got no one
He stretched out, lounging slightly as they rummaged through the bag, and gave a grin in response to the one she gave him. As she assessed his haul, he chuckled. \"Yeah, I definitely remember that. He was pretty scary. Went all wolfy when it looked like they might not hand it over.\" The other stuff was interesting, but he was more interested in how much he could get for it than what it was. There were a few exceptions to that, but those tended to be things he liked to keep for his personal collection - and nothing here fit in with that. Save the compass. But that was way too hot to keep.

Gaspard was pleased that he'd gotten as much as he had. Truth be told, he'd not expected to get so deep into the place, or get away with as much as he had. Not that he was complaining. It just shocked him. \"Don't think anybody'll be able to pull that one off again. Not after I got in as far as I did. Worth the risk though. Holy hell. I can't wait to see what you get for this stuff.\"

He knew he'd get a smaller amount than her, since she'd pay him to start and then turn it for a profit too, but that was fine - that was the nature of the game. And she needed to make a living as much as he did. \"So. What have you been up to? Obviously, you know what I've been doing. Aside from annoying Marius, that is. I can't wait to tell him what I did. He'll be equal parts impressed and annoyed.\" He laughed at the thought of the man's expression.

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  • 11 months later...


At Gaspard's confirmation that indeed, the compass was the one she thought, she looked it over again, mulling over ideas in her head. This too, could get a hefty price. She'd just have to be careful not to let the Advisor get wind of it. That would be the tricky part. She'd just make sure it eventually got back to the Keep.... eventually. She glanced up at the other thief there with her and nodded. "That's for sure. You've pulled off a major heist that's gonna make the rest of the guild look bad."


Her tone was playful, a smirk edging at her expression as she put the compass down with an almost reverence. No use breaking the merchandise or making it worse. A historic piece, if nothing else, she was sure she could find someone to pay to throw it back at that wolfman, especially if that was how the man had acted when it came through. Good to know. That man had a temper, noted. "This stuff is gonna get a fair amount from my sources. The inscription stuff alone is worth a tidy sum."


He'd get his cut of things once they got back to the guild. She wasn't stupid enough to carry that much coin on her person. Of all people, Amelya knew better. This was a city of pickpockets, thieves (like the one in front of her), and any number of unscrupulous types. Some had less honor then others, or weren't joined with the guild who would try to knick what they could. Carefully, she started putting the items back in the tattered pack, each touch and movement gentle, and if she was anyone else, she'd have thought it almost sensual how she handled her things. But she wasn't anyone else, and she didn't think with her lady parts too often - that was her sister's division. "I'll pay you when we manage to get back to headquarters, Gaspard."


Amelya paused as he addressed her specifically, even stopping putting the last bit of treasure away. There was even a coin pouch in the depths of the backpack, but that'd get divided up later as well. Mostly between her and Gaspard, with some going to Marius. She stopped and looked at Gaspard, wondering how to answer, before she shrugged. \"Not much, really. Hawking things here and there for you guys, causing mischief. Same as you. Though you seem to do it much better."


And gathering intel like crazy, for many parties, but her fellow thief didn't need to know that. That'd cause complications she didn't want on top of tabulating the value of the haul in front of her. She started moving again, dropping the charms on top, then closed the pack and latched it

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