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      Come in here if you\'ve got any questions, suggestions, or ideas.
  2. For the Writers

    1. Member Intros

      All our member intros can be found in here. This should be your first stop after reading our info & joining.
    2. Plot Central

      In here you\'ll find sub-forums for want ads, mini-game ideas, brainstorming, and other requests. Regular plotting can go in the main forum.
    3. Extras

      Other handy things to help with headcanons, tracking things, and the like can be found here.
    4. Character Files

      All characters who are not mini-game specific ones can be found in the sub-forums here. Please make sure you post in the correct one!

  3. Mini-Games

    1. Anvaltia - High Fantasy Panfandom


      The mysts connect all worlds. It is said that there is a God who found himself and his followers lost in the mysts when they first formed, and that this God is the one who now opens the way for others, but this has never been confirmed or denied.

      The mysts have long been spoken of in many cultures and places, but few actually encounter them before or after death. Those who do have found themselves in other worlds they may have only dreamed of in the past. A select few have found themselves between the mysts, where anything is possible. It is here that Anvaltia was first formed.

    2. Awake My Soul - Reincarnation Panfandom


      Reincarnation is real. It doesn\'t work quite like expected however, with those reborn pulled into a new world to live out their next lives, with hints of their pasts surfacing in unexpected ways.
    3. Pandæmonium - Fantasy Panfandom


      The Gods have a new toy - beings from other worlds they've placed in their own world, to see what happens. These gods are fickle at best and have destroyed their own creations, leaving behind only a small handful of survivors. The city these outsiders established uses magic locals fear and conflict is sure to arise.


    4. Shades of Ibrovion - Original Fantasy


      The original gods have returned, but secretly so as to not start another war with their sister. They have chosen champions to fight for their cause and bring Light back to the world. Not all of these champions will be willing, but must learn to work together to save not only themselves, but the entire world.


    5. The Wicked End - Zombie Panfandom


      Most people thought the end of the world would come with fire and brimstone, not a creeping stillness, an illness borne on the wind and carried throughout the world. But that is what happened. No one saw it coming, until it was too late.


    6. Before the Fall

      A zombie apocalypse game, set in the Dying Light series.

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    7. Darkness Fell Across the Land

      Loosely based on SCP-1762. Fantasy, a realm once known for the many creatures and beings who lived there, lies in ruins. Strange portals, doors, and rooms that lead to the realm have appeared in other worlds, stealing away unknowing victims and dumping them in the ruins of Fantasy. Those who find themselves there are trapped - the various means of getting there do not lead back to their home worlds.

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  4. Genres

    1. Animal

      Any non-fandom animal based rps go here!
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    2. Fandom

      All fandom based rps are in here.
    3. Fantasy

      All fantasy based rps are in here. This includes low and high fantasy both.
    4. Horror

      All horror themed rps go in here.
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    5. Real Life

      All rps that take place in a real life setting are in here.
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    6. Romance

      All rps that are primarily focused on Romance can be found here.
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    7. Science Fiction

      All science fiction based rps are here.
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    8. Super Heroes/Powered

      All super hero or power based rps go here.
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    9. Supernatural

      All supernatural themed rps can be found here.
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  5. Behind the Scenes

    1. OOC

      Chat about whatever you\'d like here.
    2. Ads & Affiliations

      Come here to advertise. There is a pinned thread for affiliate requests. For those linking back, please use the sub-forum.

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    • Cori Cryptic.

      Down the witches' road / Circle sewn with fate / Unlock thy hidden gate
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    • Cori Cryptic.

      Currently working on revamping and adding characters. Plus completely redoing all of my avatars because ~aesthetics~. If anyone wants to plot up anything, reach me through the server if you don't have me on discord.
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    • Tired Old Soldiers

      As a note - we did lose a bit of content/members when I had to roll things back. Feel free to re-register and/or reach out!
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    • Tired Old Soldiers

      As part of the revamp process, I'll be archiving old games that haven't seen activity in 6 months, if their owners/participants haven't been active elsewhere or communicated with me re:the game.
      Likewise, all old  threads in the 1x1 and small group area will be moved to the archives if there's been no activity in the thread in 3 months. To unarchive a game or thread, simply contact one of the staff team. 
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    • Tired Old Soldiers

      Sorry about the site going down. Bad site owner that I am sometimes, I let the invoice go unpaid -facepalm-
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    • He was falling apart, right in front her. Bit by bit, the pieces were falling away and her heart broke all over again. She pulled him close, wrapping her free arm around him to hold him close, allowing him an opportunity to cry further if that's what he wanted to do. The man looked beyond exhausted - and she remembered what that was like when Telemachus was small, even when the pair took turns to calm the baby. She ran her hand through his hair in an attempt to soothe him, keeping her arm around him as best as she could in that moment. "Shh... Shh...I have you." Her words were quiet, gentle, and after a moment, she shifted to steer them towards her small one bedroom apartment, keeping her arm around his waist to help support him and to keep in contact with someone she'd missed dearly and loved with the entirety of her being. "We can take you after you have had some rest. How does that sound?"
    • Going to talk to the Guard sounded like the best idea, but he was loathe to go somewhere that would require he engage with others. Between Calypso, all the dangers on the way home, Poseiden and all that had transpired with him, then the suitors... it was a wonder he had strength to even speak to another, even if that person was one of the two he'd fought so hard to get back to. Exhaustion plagued him, making him falter in his steps.   Her words caused a further stumble, his eyes watering as he tried to blink away the forming tears. He cleared his throat and nodded, though he still had a pit in his stomach at the thought of telling her all he'd done. "And I've been fighting to get home to you. First surviving the war, and then with everything that happened after. You and Telemachus were foremost in my thoughts every step of the way. I..."   Nobody cleared his throat again, taking a deep breath to steady himself. "I would rather go home with you. I do not have the capability to talk to others at present."
    • "There is. We need to show you to the Guards, but that can wait... Unless you would rather do it now?" That group was what had gotten her started when she'd arrived, and she knew her husband would need the slight nudge in the right direction after everything he'd gone through between when she'd last seen him to now. She squeezed his hand when he took hold of her own, enjoying the warmth and security of the simple gesture. It had been so long... And then a weight settled in her stomach at what he said, and her brows furrowed. How could things have ended in further horror then what she had endured? What she and her son both had endured?   A smile tugged at her lips when he grasped her hand in both of his. Again, a familiar gesture she long since missed. Her heart, and her expression, softened, though, when he all but pleaded for her forgiveness in not so many words. "Odysseus. I've been waiting for you these past twenty years. It will take more then you think to chase me away."
    • The gentle hand on his cheek was enough to pull him from the pain-filled spiral and he took a deep, shuddering breath. Reaching a hand of his own up to cup hers, he managed a watery smile. "I understand." Despite acknowledging her words, it took him a good few minutes to release her. Clearing his throat and clutching at one arm awkwardly with the other, he looked around them with uncertainty.   "Is there some sort of formality to announce that I am here?"   Finally managing to let go of his arm, he reached out to clasp her much smaller hand in his. "I fear that you will not like any of the news that I bring. Things outside of Ithaca ended in horror as well." He brought his free hand up to cup her tiny hand between both of his.    "I pray that  you can forgive me for my part in what I will tell you."   To say he had a lot of apprehension to tell anyone about his shame, let alone his wife, would be the understatement of the millennium. 
    • Penelope appreciated the gesture of protecting her, and she could tell he was struggling to understand what she'd told him. Unfortunately, she couldn't provide anything more to clarify what she meant. She struggled to understand it herself, so what could she say to make the brilliant man understand something that was beyond her? They would have to talk it out together when they got to her home... their home. At his observation about the architecture, she nodded, casting her eyes around at the buildings. Yes, it was far beyond what she knew as well, but she was used to it - for the most part.    Before she could entirely move past him, though, Odysseus had pulled her to his warm, welcome chest again. His breathing grew ragged again and she wrapped her arms around him again, offering what comfort she could. Her eyes watered, stung, and she tried to be strong, to not cry. Penelope clung to her husband, who had seen far more horrors then she even knew, trying to be his rock and his support. "You did not fail us, my love. Cast that thought from your mind."   She reached up and cupped his cheeks in her calloused hands, forcing him to look her in the eye. "We are together again. You are mine, and I am yours. Nothing can keep us apart. Understand?"
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