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We Need Your Input!

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Hi everyone! Because premium allows more content, we can now have adult/333 rated threads and games. With that comes a bunch of responsibility though - as we allow people 15 and up to join, we need to make sure that anything adult in nature stays behind the age verification.


There are two ways to do this, which I've outlined in the poll. Please pick which one appeals to you more.


With the first option, the bbcode, there's going to be more responsibility on each individual user to TAG adult content as such and use the correct bbcode. All it will take is 1 not wrapped in the right bbcode for us to get into trouble so this one will require mods to be on the lookout for people not being responsible. I'll be needing at least one mod dedicated specifically to monitoring content.


If we go with the sub-forums in each genre forum, we can label them as 18+ areas and age lock by forum instead of having to rely in individuals to tag. It does mean that threads are separated in the genre areas though, and I know not everyone's a fan of that.


Please vote and let us know which you prefer - and why, if you'd like to reply.


Thank you!

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I'm going to go ahead and close this. There are 7 total votes. One vote for bbcode tags and six for sub-forums. Since the majority would like sub-forums that's what we'll be implementing.


In the future all 333/18+ content must go in the sub-forums of each genre forum. Mini-games that allow 333 content must be 18+ only. 222 can allow the minimum age of 15 and up if they choose to.

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