Guest Quiet Bookworm Posted March 23, 2018 Share Posted March 23, 2018 [dohtml]' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>restless soul, lie downLie for a while with your ear against the earth Belle had been running amok quite like a headless chicken the past few weeks. It wasn't just one thing but a million. She flitted between the library and the mayors office doing this thing or that, with coffee being the only thing that kept her body moving sometimes. Seriously how did they not have this back in france? It was a miracle drink, she hadn't slept for days and somehow she was still going between bits of food. Still bad habits aside Belle had been settling into her job nicely. Since being the sheriff's unofficial assistant was alot busier than her job as lorekeeper, she instituted an open door policy for people to go in and leave work on her desk. There were the ocassional book thieves, but considering she worked with the sherriff it was fairly easy to track down thieves before they could escape with anything irreplaceable.So when she entered her office to find a piece of paper on the desk, she just slid into her chair and looked down to read it. Seemed like another displaced had come through the portal. Beastial Form. Highly Agressive. Currently locked away in the inn.\"Gee now who does that sound like?\" was the audible response as she read it. Still, she didn't dare think it. Adam was dead, he was gone. She had held him as he died and there was no bringing him back. To hope for anything else would only hurt her, and she already had trouble enough coping as it was.So with a reluctant parting to her coffee she gathered her papers, a recorder, and some books to head off to the inn. Thankfully everything in town was only a few minutes walk at most, and that made it easy to get from point a to point b quickly, which was good because she had to leave her coffee at home.When she arrived at the inn she didn;t even have to open her mouth, the innkeeper pointed her up the stairs and said a room number. She came here alot to interview new arrivals and even if she'd only been here a short time, her face was rapidly becoming well known.She hesitated in front of the door unsure how to continue. It was rude to barge in, but he'd also been chasing everyone away, so polite knocking was unlikely to stir him from his hiding. Still, might as well try it first, no reason to give him more reasons to be angry. So raising a fist she rapped three times, politely, on the door.\"Monseiur, I'm the lorekeeper, I need to speak with you, may I come in?\" not belle, never belle, belle was dead, and though her name was known, the girl herself never used it. As far as she was concerned, belle died that day at the castle.words: 503 | tag: here | outfit: blah | notes: n/a? ? ? [/dohtml] Link to comment
Guest Beastly Posted March 23, 2018 Share Posted March 23, 2018 [dohtml] both a little scared neither one prepared Beast - for he refused to go by Adam, Adam was who he had been, not who he was now - had paced the small space of the room repeatedly by now. He was angry, he was upset, he was frustrated. Not only was he ripped from his castle and his servants and friends, he was trapped in a realm where there was no Belle. At least back home he had the knowledge that she was safe, back with her father. Here? He had no such thing.He was well and truly alone. He'd not really taken that well, and most of the townsfolk had already learned to steer clear of him as he refused to socialize even when he did venture out. He only came out for food, and twice he'd slipped out after dark, intending to explore. He'd learned the hard way not to do that. There were monsters far more beastly than he was out after dark. Even the thought of that caused a shudder and a hand involuntarily lifted to the shoulder that still stung from the slash he'd gotten before he'd managed to scramble back up the side of the Inn and into his room. He was lost in brooding thoughts about what he was going to do once the money he had ran out when there was a knock at his door. His first impulse was to completely ignore them, to tune the woman coming to bother him out. But there was something familiar about her voice, even through the door. He lifted his head to stare at the door for a long moment. It couldn't be, could it? There was no way. Well, if it wasn't, he could just be abrupt and only give the bare minimum of 'helpful' answers and send her on her way. \"The door's not locked.\" His voice was gruff, a bit hoarse even, from lack of use again. He'd not really spoken since coming through. Blue eyes watched the door cautiously from his perch at the window, with just the barest hint of hope showing through. He's a giant grump, but that voice is super familiar. He doesn't believe it's her, but the hope's still there. LAUZ ????)?? [/dohtml] Link to comment
Guest Quiet Bookworm Posted March 23, 2018 Share Posted March 23, 2018 [dohtml]' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>restless soul, lie downLie for a while with your ear against the earth Belle's blood ran cold when she heard the voice on the other side of the door. She knew that voice, knew it amidst a thousand others screaming in the void. But surely it was just coincidence, a beast, who had the same voice as adam, and was described as having the same temper she could recall with such fond amusment now. But it couldn't be, adam died, she had watched the life fade from him as she screamed she loved him, that was as dead as dead could be.So she pushed open the door and made her way into the room, initially far too caught up in her work of setting her recorder down, pulling up chairs for both of them, and sitting down with her questions and notebook to notice who she was in the room with, or perhaps she didn't want to notice, but eventually she had to look up and brain and heart fought violently against each other, enough so that she completely droped the notebook, and a sound emerged from her throat like a choked cry. Not loud enough to carry outside the room, but it likely said volumes to adam.Trying to regain herself, to cut through the fog rapidly clouding her mind as her walls just shattered around her, she did the only thing she could do in this situation. Pick up her work from the floor, and situating herself on the chair she began to fill in the information she knew about him. How 'he' was here she had no idea, she didn't want to know, because right now it took all she had to just accept this was reality, which somehow it was. She wouldn't feel this shocked or this close to fainting in a dream, the sensations alone would force her awake.\"You can't lock yourself away in here forever. you have to go out, find work, socialise. Here you're not the worst thing people have seen, they won't be afraid of you, especially if you stop roaring at them. I know this place is new, but seriously Adam, we're stuck here, possibly forever, you need to be friendly and open yourself up to people like you did to me, find your own life, live,\" She didn't know when she'd started crying, only that there was water on her paper and on her face, and she set the paper down to wipe at her face.\"Sorry I just, i've been up for....days now. I'm more emotional than I should be, I had thought you were....I had thought I would never see you again and now you're here and...\" she trailed off as she glared up at him accusingly. He had the nerve to die in front of her and then just show up like it was no big deal, like he had been there all along. She at least had the nerve to feel sorry and regret her actions, but no he just got to swoop into her life like he'd never left!?How could he just die in her arms and then show up in a new world like he had never died in the first place?words: 545 | tag: here | outfit: blah | notes: n/a∎ ◣ ◥ [/dohtml] Link to comment
Guest Beastly Posted March 23, 2018 Share Posted March 23, 2018 [dohtml] both a little scared neither one prepared When she stepped through the door, Beast's face split into a wide smile. It faltered some when she didn't look at him, instead readying the spot she intended to do the interview at. The choked cry startled him, and he was on his feet, moving to scoop up the notebook quickly. Only she beat him to it, and then launched herself right into the job of collecting information.It hurt a bit, though he knew enough to know that people came from different points - he'd gotten that bit of information during one of his more grumpy moments of demanding details, before he'd all but locked himself away again. Her scolding tone earned a frown though, as did her use of his name. It didn't last long, as her tears upset him and he shoved his own frustrations to the side. His voice was gentle when he spoke. \"There's no need to apologize to me, Belle. You're tired. It's understandable, if you've been up that long.\" His brow furrowed with confusion and worry though, as his mind processed her words. 'I thought you were-' what exactly? What had she thought? \"I didn't think I'd see you again either.\" Gingerly shifting around - his bulky frame feeling a bit cramped in the small room now that someone else was here with him - he managed to sit in one of the chairs. \"I had just sent you off to rescue your father. I wasn't sure if you would be able to return, or-\" He had to look away, though his expression said it all. \"... if you would even want to. I know you said you couldn't love someone who held you captive, after all.\" Her glare distressed him, as he didn't understand what he'd done to earn her anger. When he'd behaved beastly or had been brutish in actions or words, he understood her anger, bu now? This was new and unexpected, and not in a happy way. \"I know I will need to eventually come out, but this is a lot to take in all at once.\" He ran a large clawed paw through his mane of hair, looking uncertain. He's so confused at how angry she seems, though he's glad to see her. LAUZ ????)?? [/dohtml] Link to comment
Guest Quiet Bookworm Posted March 23, 2018 Share Posted March 23, 2018 [dohtml]' rel='stylesheet' type='text/css'>restless soul, lie downLie for a while with your ear against the earth \"I had just sent you off to rescue your father.\"Those words changed everything, the racing thoughts leaving skid marks in her brain from how fast she halted. She looked up at him, confused and disoriented before setting her papers down and crossing the room, practicing deep breaths as she did so. She had seen him die and yet he had only seen her leave. Two points in time easily seperated by a half day at minimum, maybe more? It still all felt like a blur to remember.\"Adam, I saw you die, in my arms. I came back, I came back for you and you left me, you had the nerve to just, just die on me after everything I promised you!\" she was yelling again, but it wasn't anger, it was frustration, greif, and confusion all rolled up in her chest until she thought she might just die right there.\"I missed you, losing you it.....killed me,\" she wouldn't say she loved him, she wouldn't. But for a breif moment she had seen how happy he was to see her and somewhere deep down she felt that pull of longing. She couldn't entirely keep him away, she loved him far too much for that. But she couldn't risk breaking like she had before. If Adam was here, with her, beside her, she could have both sides, the man she loved and the distance to handle losing him.\"Yeah I know, it's alot, and it's confusing and overwhelming're not alone. I'm here, and i'm glad you're here. Look i'm working literally twenty four hours a day, every day. You've been educated far more than me. Why don't we just start you off in the library? The deputy could also use some help if you'd rather work more suited to your education. We're not a kingdom, but i'm sure if you applied the principles on a smaller scale you could be alot more help than me with actually managing this place,\" she continued gently, she took a step forward then stopped herself and just sorta...drooped.\"I'm sorry, i'm going a million miles a minute. I just, i'm here to help you. I'm sorry i took a fit i just....I didn;t consider the idea people could be pulled from their world at different points. So I thought you were dead forever, and that it was my fault, and now you're here, when i haven't slept for a day or two....i'm overworked and overwhelmed, it's not a good combination,\" She chuckled weakly and smiled but it didn't touch her eyes, and she wasn't looking at him, if her cheeks were any indication, she was straight up embarassed about the flipout in the first place.words: 453 | tag: here | outfit: blah | notes: n/a? ? ? [/dohtml] Link to comment
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