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Menethil, Arthas

Arthas Menethil

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Arthas Menethil


Mid 40s . Captain of the Guard [eventual] . n/a . Displaced

Arthas was born into a life of wealth and luxury. Being a prince earned him many things that he didn't even have to try for, and while he was expected to train and learn certain things so that he would be ready to be King when the time came, he was a vain and spoiled young man. He had a big heart though, and cared for his people deeply. Too deeply, and that would be his downfall.

He had a lot of anger and frustration and was not a good candidate for a paladin, but with his father and mentor ignoring his flaws and insisting on him following in said mentor's path, he was trained as one. He tried, but it was not something he was suited for. He fought for those he cared about, but his pride and anger often got him in trouble - and cost him dearly at times. One such incident resulted in the death of his prized horse Invincible.

When a dire threat to his people was discovered, Arthas went to great lengths to protect them, even slaughtering an entire town that had been corrupted so that they could not rise as undead to prey on the rest of the kingdom. These actions left him without longtime allies, friends, mentors, and even his fiance but he continued on. Following the one behind the corruption to Northrend, he betrayed his own people by burning the boats they'd taken there when he received orders to go back home, his obsession clouding his judgment. Soon after he found the cursed runeblade Frostmourne and was lost.

After taking up the sword he became the Lich King's champion and was sent home to deal with his own kingdom, and then see to other kingdoms and power as well. There were many battles and power struggles with others along the way, including the ransacking of various kingdoms, and one mistake that allowed the Forsaken to claim their freedom and the banshee Sylvanas to break free and lead them. When a threat to the Lich King himself in the form of Illidan Stormrage appeared, Arthas fought with him to keep the elf from the Lich King. Soon after he was drawn to the Frozen Throne himself and urged to put the helm on.

At this point he became the Lich King - a dual being comprised of Arthas and Ner'zhul, though Arthas' soul and personality were the dominant ones more often than not. For some time he sat on his throne, keeping the scourge to Northrend. Eventually he stirred on his throne and began an all out assault on the rest of Azeroth. This included forming the Knights of the Ebon Blade, a group of death knights who's purpose was to draw out Tirion Fordring. Though this was successful, he abandoned them and the attempt on Tirion's life when the Light proved too strong at Light's Hope Chapel and returned to Northrend with the few knights who remained loyal despite his betrayal.

From there he began a long campaign to draw out the best and brightest among both the Horde and the Alliance, trusting that Tirion would guide and train them. He threw increasingly powerful and dangerous minions at the adventurers chosen, testing them, until they finally made their way to the Frozen Throne, where he waited for them. When they attacked, he revealed that he had been waiting for them and had planned it all out so that he could kill them in front of Tirion and then raise them as powerful scourge agents under his control. It appeared that he had toyed with them, seeing how powerful they were against him, as he was able to strike the entire group down near effortlessly.

But when he prepared to raise them, Tirion managed to break free with help from the Light and struck Frostmourne, breaking it. This released the souls held within the cursed sword, who attacked and bound Arthas, allowing Tirion to strike the killing blow while Arthas' father, murdered by his own son and trapped in the sword, raised the adventurers. Just as Arthas' started to fade, a portal opened and pulled him, the helm with Ner'zhul, and the broken Frostmourne through.

When he woke next, he was on a strange platform in a world not his own. His mind was free from the taint of the scourge - both the influence of the sword and that of Ner'zhul himself were gone. This has left the prince shaken and confused, and guilty as to what he'd done back home in trying to save his people. He's still not fully grasped what all happened after he took the sword up, let alone when he put the helm on.

Eventually, once he's a bit more secure and well, he will take up the position of Captain of the Guard.

Tired Old Soldiers

Mountain . other characters: see my plotter/tracker.

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